Strong overwintered hives. Fifty Singles $350 , Fifty Doubles $400. Have some 1 -1/2 story hives too. $380. Steel queen excluders $5 each. Andrew at Seba Beach.
Thrive Honey Inc. Lethbridge County Nucs for sale: laying queen, 3 brood frames, 5 frames of bees. Single hives: laying queen, 5 brood frames, 8 frames of bees, 3 frames of honey. Fully assembled bee hives on custom 4 pack pallets. Bees will pass government regulations. Available in May Pricing depends on quantities. Custom orders and delivery available. Please email...
Locally raised queens from Beaverlodge survivor stock with attention paid to VSH, Honey production, gentleness and overwintering. Nucs and queens available early June to Late August. Cells from last week in May to the end of July. Located West of Grande Prairie. 5 frame nucs $300 and mated, laying queens $50, cells $10, virgin queens $25 Date posted: 2025-03-05
Singles for sale 3rd week of May. $425 per colony. Ryley, AB. Equipment to follow once bees are sold. Call Stefan at 780-722-4232. Post updated: 2025-01-27