Over the past seven years, the ABC has contributed over $19K towards supporting the education and skills development of 20 Alberta individuals who are actively involved in beekeeping or pursuing a career in an area that impacts beekeeping.
Building on the Commission’s commitment to supporting the advancement of the Alberta beekeeping industry, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the 2025 bursary fund, offering individuals in the beekeeping industry the opportunity to secure one of THREE $1000 bursaries.
The ABC Bursary is open to Alberta residents who are actively involved in beekeeping, intend to pursue a future in beekeeping or intend to pursue a career in an area that may impact beekeeping (e.g. pathology, research or agronomy).
Preference will be given to family members of ABC Eligible Producers and to those intending to pursue a career in commercial beekeeping or beekeeping research.
2025 ABC Bursary Application
*Please note, previous successful applicants are no longer eligible to apply.