SR&ED Tax Credit

2024: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit

Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program designed to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development in Canada. The program is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which delivers SR&ED tax incentives in a timely, consistent, and predictable manner while encouraging businesses to prepare their claims in compliance with Canada’s tax laws and the CRA’s policies and procedures.

Based on the Alberta Beekeepers Commission’s investment in research during our 2023/24 fiscal year, producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 64.01% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2024.

There is also an Alberta SR&ED tax credit through the Alberta Innovation Employment Grant (IEG) which provides a refundable tax credit to qualified corporations that incur eligible expenditures in respect of SR&ED activities carried out in Alberta. Alberta producers are entitled to an Alberta tax credit of 64.01% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2024.

Unfortunately, for those producers with permanent establishments outside of Alberta, you can still claim the federal amount, however, there is no Saskatchewan, British Columbia, or Manitoba provincial tax credit available this year as none of the Commission’s eligible SR&ED work was performed in those provinces in the 2023/24 year.

Producers who have requested and received a refund of their hive fee, have not paid their hive fee, or have not paid their hive fee in full are not eligible to claim the SR&ED tax credit.
For those of you who have not previously filed taxes using the SR&ED credit, please get in touch with your accountant on how to take advantage of this tax credit on your tax returns.

2023: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program designed to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development in Canada. The program is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which delivers SR&ED tax incentives in a timely, consistent, and predictable manner, while encouraging businesses to prepare their claims in compliance with Canada’s tax laws and the CRA’s policies and procedures.

Based on the Alberta Beekeepers Commission’s investment in research during our 2022/23 fiscal year, producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 38.86% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2023.

There is also an Alberta SR&ED tax credit through the Alberta Innovation Employment Grant (IEG) which provides a refundable tax credit to qualified corporations that incur eligible expenditures in respect of SR&ED activities carried out in Alberta.  Alberta producers are entitled to an Alberta tax credit of 38.86% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2023.

Unfortunately, for those producers with permanent establishments outside of Alberta, you can still claim the federal amount, however there is no Saskatchewan, British Columbia or Manitoba provincial tax credit available this year as none of the Commission’s eligible SR&ED work was performed in those provinces in the 2022/23 year.

Producers that have requested and received a refund of their hive fee, have not paid their hive fee, or have not paid their hive fee in full are not eligible to claim the SR&ED tax credit.

For those of you who have not previously filed taxes using the SR&ED credit, please contact your accountant on how to take advantage of this tax credit on your tax returns.

2022: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program designed to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development in Canada. The program is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which delivers SR&ED tax incentives in a timely, consistent, and predictable manner, while encouraging businesses to prepare their claims in compliance with Canada’s tax laws and the CRA’s policies and procedures.

Based on the Alberta Beekeepers Commission’s investment in research during our 2021/22 fiscal year, producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 38.69% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2022.

There is also an Alberta SR&ED tax credit.  Although the Alberta SR&ED tax credit program ended January 1, 2020, the new Alberta Innovation Employment Grant (IEG) does still provide a refundable tax credit to qualified corporations that incur eligible expenditures in respect of SR&ED activities carried out in Alberta after December 31, 2020.  As such eligible Alberta producers are entitled to an Alberta tax credit of 38.69% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2022.

Unfortunately, for producers there is no Saskatchewan nor Manitoba provincial tax credit available this year as none of the Commission’s eligible SR&ED work was performed in those provinces this year.

Producers that have requested and received a refund of their hive fee, have not paid their hive fee, or have not paid their hive fee in full are not eligible to claim the SR&ED tax credit.

For those of you who have not previously filed taxes using the SR&ED credit, please contact your accountant on how to take advantage of this tax credit on your tax returns.

2021: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program designed to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development in Canada. The program is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which delivers SR&ED tax incentives in a timely, consistent, and predictable manner, while encouraging businesses to prepare their claims in compliance with Canada’s tax laws and the CRA’s policies and procedures.

Based on the Alberta Beekeepers Commission’s investment in research during our 2020/21 fiscal year, producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 27.2% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2021.

There is also an Alberta SR&ED tax credit.  Although the Alberta SR&ED tax credit program ended January 1, 2020, the new Alberta Innovation Employment Grant (IEG) does still provide a refundable tax credit to qualified corporations that incur eligible expenditures in respect of SR&ED activities carried out in Alberta after December 31, 2020.  As such eligible Alberta producers are entitled to an Alberta tax credit of 24.66% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2021.

Producers who file taxes in Saskatchewan, are eligible to earn a tax credit of 1.35% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2021.  Unfortunately, for producers there is no Manitoba tax credit available this year as none of the Commission’s work was performed in that province this year.

Producers that have requested and received a refund of their hive fee, have not paid their hive fee, or have not paid their hive fee in full are not eligible to claim the SR&ED tax credit.

For those of you who have not previously filed taxes using the SR&ED credit, please contact your accountant on how to take advantage of this tax credit on your tax returns.

2020: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program designed to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development (R&D) in Canada. The program is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which delivers SR&ED tax incentives in a timely, consistent, and predictable manner, while encouraging businesses to prepare their claims in compliance with Canada’s tax laws and the CRA’s policies and procedures.

Based on the Alberta Beekeepers Commission’s investment in research during our 2019/20 fiscal year, producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 41.17% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2020.

There is also an Alberta SR&ED tax credit.  Although the Alberta Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program ended January 1, 2020, it does still provide a refundable tax credit to qualified corporations that incur eligible expenditures in respect of SR&ED activities carried out in Alberta before that date.  As such eligible Alberta producers are entitled to an Alberta provincial tax credit of 13.67% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2020.

Producers who file taxes in Saskatchewan, are eligible to earn a tax credit of 4.29% of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2020.  Unfortunately, for producers there is no Manitoba tax credit available this year as none of the Commission’s work was performed in that province.

Producers that have requested and received a refund of their hive fee, have not paid their hive fee, or have not paid their hive fee in full are not eligible to claim the SR&ED tax credit.

For those of you who have not previously filed taxes using the SR&ED credit, please contact your accountant on how to take advantage of this tax credit in your tax returns.

2019: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program designed to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development (R&D) in Canada. The program is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which delivers SR&ED tax incentives in a timely, consistent and predictable manner, while encouraging businesses to prepare their claims in compliance with Canada’s tax laws and the CRA’s policies and procedures.

Based on the Alberta Beekeepers Commission’s investment in research during our 2018/19 fiscal year, Eligible Producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 54.94% on that percentage of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2019.

There is also an Alberta SR&ED tax credit.  Alberta Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program, which provides a refundable tax credit to qualified corporations that incur eligible expenditures in respect of SR&ED activities carried out in Alberta.  Eligible Producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 34.22% on that percentage of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2019.

Eligible Producers who file taxes in Saskatchewan, are eligible to earn a tax credit of 7.06% on that percentage of your combined hive fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2019, and Eligible Producers who file taxes in Manitoba are eligible to earn a tax credit of 13.64% on your tax return for 2019.

Producers that have requested and received a refund of their hive fee, have not paid their hive fee, or have not paid their hive fee in full are not eligible to claim the SR&ED tax credit.

For those of you who have not previously filed taxes using the SR&ED credit, please contact your accountant on how to take advantage of this tax credit in your tax returns.

2018: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program designed to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development (R&D) in Canada. The program is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which delivers SR&ED tax incentives in a timely, consistent and predictable manner, while encouraging businesses to prepare their claims in compliance with Canada’s tax laws and the CRA’s policies and procedures.

Based on the Alberta Beekeepers Commission’s investment in research during our 2017/18 fiscal year, Eligible Producers are eligible to earn a federal tax credit of 22.2% on that percentage of your combined colony fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2018.

There is also an Alberta SR&ED tax credit.  Alberta Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program, which provides a refundable tax credit to qualified corporations that incur eligible expenditures in respect of SR&ED activities carried out in Alberta.  Eligible Producers are eligible to a federal tax credit of 17% on that percentage of your combined colony fee and membership fee on your tax return for 2018.

Additionally, any Eligible producer who files taxes in Saskatchewan, are eligible to earn a tax credit of 5% on that percentage of your combined colony fee and membership fee.

Producers that have requested and received a refund of their colony fee are not eligible to claim the SRED tax credit.

For those of you who have not previously filed taxes using the SRED credit, please contact your accountant on how to take advantage of this tax credit in your tax returns.