Dr. Renata Labuschagne Tech Transfer Program Lead
There are many factors that affect the health of honey bees, such as pathogens and parasites, quality and availability of food supplies, weather, pesticides and beekeeping practices. The traditional management practices during the different seasons are now being supplemented with new information and tools which add complexity but are essential for emerging bee disease management, and for overcoming challenges to improve/maintain bee health and nutrition. To stay current and on top of decision making, beekeepers rely on effective technology and information transfer.
The Alberta Beekeepers Commission, through its Technology Transfer Program (TTP), provides disease diagnostics, hive monitoring/sampling services, education and training to beekeepers in Alberta, bridging the gap between science and its practical application.
The scope of the TTP objective includes improving bee health, managing diseases and pests, investigating bee nutrition, developing and answering research questions, and overall, improving beekeeping management and reducing operating costs.
We are committed to provide to the Alberta beekeeping industry the tools they need to improve/maintain colony health. Therefore, the TTP also works directly with beekeepers, provincial apiculturists and researchers, provincial and federal governments, academia and stakeholders to develop and implement an Integrated Hive Management (IHM) program for beekeepers in Alberta.
Implementing best management practices using an IHM program has been shown to improve bee health, pollination, honey production, and reduce annual bee losses, use of antibiotics and overall operating costs for beekeepers.
The advantage of a tech transfer program is they, in working directly with beekeepers, can disseminate and transfer knowledge, keeping beekeepers up to date with the latest technologies and options, as well as those beekeeping practices most appropriate for a particular beekeeping operation.
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, and the financial support of Costco through Project Apis m.